I apprehensively accept my backpack, roll mat, shovel and winter sleeping bag - essential items for surviving the impending winter camping trip I foolishly signed up for at the beginning of the course. Although I don't normally consider myself claustrophobic, the thought of sleeping for 8 hours in a six foot deep hole in the snow, large enough to only fit three men, raises concerns. It'll certainly be cosy, particularly after I insist on a reasonable gap between me and the guy I'll be lying next to.
The 15 minute hike to the area which will reside our 'snow hole' is made even more exhausting by my heavy backpack (I knew I shouldn't have packed all that pinot noir!). The snow hole sleeps up to three people and takes us approximately four hours to dig. Despite receiving compliments for our perfect cuboids, used to form the roof rafters for our hole, my procrastination in smoothing their surfaces and perfecting 90 degree corners means we are left completing our camp after sunset.
After eating all the food I was able to pack into my backpack, I turn in. The winter sleeping bags keep everything warm apart from my face and the limited space in the camp restricts the option to turn over, so I'm left to attempt sleep in one position. This'll be a very long night...hope I don't need a wee!
I'm shaken awake at 7:30 the next morning after achieving 6 hours of solid sleep and craving more. Maybe I can do this Ray Mears, outdoor thing (although I'm not overeager to return to a hole in the snow just yet).
You are your mother's son!!! (Despite receiving compliments for our perfect cuboids, used to form the roof rafters for our hole, my procrastination in smoothing their surfaces and perfecting 90 degree corners means we are left completing our camp after sunset.
It looks more like a Cathedral! Eat your heart out Christopher Wren.
Not to worry the way the weather is going here there will be opportunity for you to camp in the snow when you return!